Thursday, January 25, 2007

Astro Addiction

So, I still haven't kicked my horoscope checking addiction—even after meeting with psychic and getting a full analysis of my sign and learning that the sun and moon signs have pretty much equal impact…but I just can't stop checking 'em. At least I have now progressed from to checking them at the end of the day and not the night before…and they are still somehow right on.

This is the kind of day that makes luck come your way, KA, especially where relationships are concerned. Perhaps a friend will introduce you to an exceptional person who will help fulfill your professional fantasies. Or maybe your partner will surprise you with a gift profound in its thoughtfulness. However your luck manifests, trust that this is going to be one great day!

I have to admit, today I made 5 professional connections that could end up rocking my world today AND I did receive a gift from that special one that was indeed profoundly thoughtful and completely unsolicited I may add.

It's a great day!

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