Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Lagging Jet Lag

So what exactly is the statute of limitations on jet lag? I arrived home from my trip to Hawaii over two weeks ago and at 2:03 am—I'm still awake. Being that I went to bed at 11:02…this is bad, especially since I was actually exhausted.

Normally, it's pretty easy to pin-point exactly what is keeping me up—but right now, things overall are pretty good, not great—but good. Work is keeping me busy, it's almost ski season and my roommate is out of town for 10 days (which means the house is clean). It's just two days away from the 6th Annual Thanksgiving Folks Without Folks in Colorado bash (my favorite holiday of the entire year) and I'm actually prepared for it way ahead of schedule.

But here I am up and even though tired, wide awake! I tried thinking of boring things step by step, like detailed step by step and almost fell asleep and then someone down the alley started playing god-awful techno music and pulled me out of the trance. I tried reading a chapter out of a GIS mapping textbook that a friend left at my house, I tried ever combination of pillow combinations, finally got perfectly comfortable and then had to get up and turn down the heat. I finally caved at 1:52am and went downstairs for a glass of milk and watched the last 8 minutes of the Cosby show—and then saw that the Jon Stewart show was on next with Tina Fey as a guest…so now I'm up for at least another half hour. Aaaarrrgggg…..

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